The Relationship Between Chronic Prostatitis and BPH

4 Jul 2019

Prostatitis (acute or chronic) is the 3rd most common urogenital disease in men after prostate cancer and BPH. It is seen in 8% of men under the age of 50.

How does chronic prostatitis occur?

Although it can occur in different ways, the most common form of inflammation is lymphocytic infiltration into the stroma adjacent to the acini.

Factors that cause chronic prostatitis

Structural disorders of the bladder neck and urethra that increase the pressure of the urine stream causing dysfunctional urination, such as BPH, urethral stenosis
Urine leakage (reflux) into the prostatic ducts is the most important factor.
immune changes
Causes of cystitis
Pelvic floor vaccinations
psychological reasons
Prostatitis classification

1.Acute Bacterial prostatitis

2. Chronic bacterial prostatitis

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome

A)Inflammatory CPPS

B) Non-inflammatory CPPS
Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis

Treatment of Prostatitis

Diseases in Categories 2 and 2 are mostly treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, either by hospitalization or on an outpatient basis (at home).

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis in the 4th category does not cause any specific symptoms; It may be associated with BPH, prostate cancer and infertility; It is a prostatitis that has no specific treatment.

What is seen in chronic prostatitis (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome)?

In chronic pelvic pain syndrome, which is in the 3rd category, the most common and sometimes even the most important symptom is the pain felt in the genital area. In addition to pain, most patients have symptoms such as frequent urination, sudden urge to urinate, and intermittent urination. Pain may also occur during or after ejaculation after sexual intercourse.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome)

This disease has been a challenge for both patients and urologists until today because it affects the patient’s life performance and is unresponsive to treatments. Patients in this group have used many antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for many years. Alternatively, there have been very difficult cases that resulted in complete prostate removal.

Similarities between Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and BPH

As we mentioned above, chronic prostatitis (CPPS) has common symptoms with prostate disease (BPH), commonly known as intermittent urination, frequent urination, burning sensation during urination, and discomfort during ejaculation. Patients are often followed for BPH for many years until they are diagnosed with chronic prostatitis.

Differences between Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and BPH

After the patient begins to experience symptoms related to BPH, he usually goes to a urologist and although he has his tests done, he is told that there is no abnormality and is sent home. This scenario is repeated countless times over the years. The patient continues to suffer from his experiences. It turns to many alternative methods, and these are generally alternative treatments for BPH.

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and today’s technology

For these patients, ESWT treatment now offers a new generation protocol. It shows high success in correcting the symptoms of patients with chronic prostatitis and helping them regain their old lives. It is understood from the patients’ feedback that new vessel formation and tissue regeneration are important in suppressing the inflammation seen in chronic prostatitis.

Chronic prostatitis (CPAS) and ESWT

With the start of ESWT sessions, a rapid decrease in patients’ symptoms and a serious improvement in their psychology begin to be seen in the very early stages. As tissue healing is completed, patients regain control of their lives. Compared to procedures applied to patients with advanced symptoms (such as prostate operations, injections into the prostate), it offers a treatment protocol that is very suitable for the natural flow of life and has a very high success rate. After 15-20 minutes of painless sessions, the patient returns to his/her daily activities immediately and enjoys the advantages of uncomplicated treatment.

What should patients with urinary complaints do?

Of course, they should first have general examinations under the control of a urologist. If there is no specific disease (such as stones, BPH, cancer) accompanied by the findings, they should be informed about chronic prostatitis (CPPS) in accordance with the degree of their complaints.

